
Pastor & Staff

Meet the team.

Harmony Church is structured for ministry and not based on hierarchy.  We are intentional about building relationship so titles and positions are not the focus. The positions listed are to help you know to turn to with your ideas of how to build better relationships.

Donald Retemiah

Elder of Evangelism
— the overseer for all activities and programs for adults in the congregation
— a ministry of program development, recruiting and training volunteers to work for soul-winning and service in the community.

Derriff (Chav) Moncrieffe

Elder of Adult Discipleship
—a ministry of developing leaders, planning programs and recruiting volunteers for the Sabbath School.
— the overseer for all activities and programs for adults in the congregation

Jermie Escourse

Children's Ministry Leader
— a ministry to help children worship God in an age-appropriate way; to prepare children to understand what is happening in the “Big Church” during the worship hour. To help children learn the importance of having healthy relationships with others.

Britney Escourse

VBS Coordinator
—an outreach ministry to help children develop a friendship with Jesus, with the Bible, with the church and with each others from the community. 

Stacian Moncrieffe

Women’s Ministries Leader
—a ministry of planning and developing programs to meet the needs of women in the church.  Advocating women’s needs, concerns and contributions.

Jennivieve Baxter

Hospitality Leader
—a ministry to visitors and new members, as well as others who may be lonely.  Intentionally cultivating friendships in the church.

Janet Fray-Perry

—the keeper of the official records of the congregation, including membership list, minutes of business meetings and the church board, and the statistical reports for the denomination.

Xara Moncrieffe

Communication Leader
—a ministry of public relations, advertising representing the church to the news media, Social Media, Website updates, and weekly text messaging.

Andrew Wade

Lead Deacon
—a ministry of helping with the physical needs of the congregation, with Communion Setup, Baptisms, the church equipment and building.

Jamesha Logan

Lead Deaconess
—a ministry of helping with Communion Setup, Baptisms, Child Dedications, Visitations of the sick and disabled, and caring for the congregation's needs.

Melony Wright

Music Coordinator
—Coordinates all things music related; organist, pianists, praise team and song leader.  



Each and everyone one of us has a unique call on our life. God has blessed us with strengths that we can use for His glory.
We have volunteer needs in many areas during our evening and morning services.

Contact us today for more info! We would love to serve His kingdom with you!

"But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul." Joshua 22:5