
Pastor & Staff

Richard F. McNeil

Lead Pastor

Richard has a passion for leadership, mental health and innovative strategies for leading people to love Jesus.  He is an Artivist (Art Activist for civil and religious rights), Author, Illustrator, Creative Strategist, Theologian as well as musician (singing & playing the guitar).  He has a great burden on his heart for people who have been misguided, discouraged, and hurt by the misrepresentations of the Gospel. He utilizes his skills in preaching, teaching, counseling, and music to make theology easy to understand while helping people come to a deeper understanding of who God is.

Richard earned a  Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and Minor in biblical languages from Southern Adventist University and completed his Masters of Divinity (MDiv) degree from Andrews University in May 2016. He is an Ordained Minister with the Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Meet the team.

Jermie Escourse

Youth Discipleship Leader
Jermie is a comedian to some but a great leader to those who know him. 

Cindy Trujillo

Keeping things organized is only a small part of what makes her happy. Caring for animals and birds is her true joy!  

Derriff Moncrieff

Adult Discipleship Leader
Derriff also known as "Chav" is joyful leader who is willing to help in a any capacity. 

Britney Escourse

VBS Coordinator
She loves to teach the children about Jesus! Extremely attentive and cares about the safety of the little ones. 

Donald Retemiah

Evangelism Leader
Donald is our resident Chaplin and a great listener. You will find he presence as a great resource when going through difficult times.

Toni Keith

Communication Leader
She loves to meet new people! She will keep you informed of how to participate in ministries and encouraged you to share with others.


Each and everyone one of us has a unique call on our life. God has blessed us with strengths that we can use for His glory.
We have volunteer needs in many areas during our evening and morning services.

Contact us today for more info! We would love to serve His kingdom with you!

"But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul." Joshua 22:5